

2023年10月13日 11:54  点击:[]








2012.9-2016.6 潍坊学院 园林 农学学士

2016.9-2018.6 黑龙江大学 植物保护 农学硕士        

2018.9-2021.6 东北林业大学 生态学 理学博士       

2021.7-2023.7    bv伟德国际体育 生态学博士后

2023.7-至今 bv伟德国际体育 讲师





[1] Liu, G., Wang, H., Yan, G., Wang, M., Jiang, S., & Wang, Q.   (2023). Soil enzyme activities and microbial nutrient limitation during the   secondary succession of boreal forests. Catena, 230, 107268. Doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107268  

[2] Liu, G.,   Yan, G., Huang, B., Sun, X., Xing, Y., & Wang, Q. (2022). Long-term   nitrogen addition alters nutrient foraging strategies of Populus davidiana   and Betula platyphylla in a temperate natural secondary   forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 141(2), 307-320. Doi:   10.1007/s10342-022-01441-z.

[3] Liu, G.,   Xing, Y., Wang, Q., Wang, L., Feng, Y., Yin, Z., ... & Liu, T. (2021).   Long-term nitrogen addition regulates root nutrient capture and leaf nutrient   resorption in Larix gmelinii in a boreal forest. European Journal   of Forest Research, 140(4), 763-776. Doi: 10.1007/s10342-021-01364-1.

[4] Liu, G.,   Yan, G., Chang, M., Huang, B., Sun, X., Han, S., ... & Wang, Q. (2021).   Long-term nitrogen addition further increased carbon sequestration in a   boreal forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 140(5),   1113-1126. Doi: 10.1007/s10342-021-01386-9.

[5] Liu, G.,   Yin, Z., Yan, G., Liu, S., Wang, X., Xing, Y., & Wang, Q. (2022). Effects   of long-term nitrogen addition on the δ15N and δ13C of Larix   gmelinii and soil in a boreal forest. Ecological   Processes, 11(1), 1-12. Doi: 10.1186/s13717-022-00382-0.

[6] Liu, G.,   Feng, Y., Yin, Z., Yan, G., Wang, Q., & Xing, Y. (2023). Exogenous   Organic C Inputs Profit Soil C Sequestration Under Different Long-Term N   addition Levels in a Boreal Forest. Journal of Soil Science and Plant   Nutrition, 1-11. Doi: 10.1007/s42729-023-01135-4.

[7] Liu, G.,   Xing, Y., Liang, L., Yan, G., Huang, B., Wang, Q. (2023) Effects of long-term   nitrogen addition on fine root dynamics in a temperate natural secondary   forest. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Doi:   10.1080/02827581.2023.2213900.


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